School of Kingdom Advancement

Our School of Kingdom Advancement is coming back this year!  Peter Wilcox, a greatly respected missionary with Iris, will be leading these month-long schools that will train the pastors and leaders of our churches in a variety of areas.  These topics will include:  foundations of faith, leadership, family/marriage, evangelism, finance, Holy Spirit, and church planting. This is a year of great advancement and multiplication for the work here.  This expansion doesn’t happen without our team knowing the plans, vision, and necessities.  We welcome you as a crucial part of our team and ask for your continued involvement in the Lords mighty outpouring!  Please come along with us and take this opportunity to personally change lives, impact cities, and plunder hell to populate heaven.

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School of Kingdom Advancement

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Every Church Discipled

A 52-Week discipleship program that I developed specifically tailored to the Mozambican church will be printed into a manual and delivered to over 200 churches that are under our care.   As the churches receives this book of 52 foundational and culturally applicable teachings, I am confident that thousands will be greatly strengthened in their relationship with Jesus and there will be salvations and new church plants as a result of the distribution of these teachings.  These teaching will ground them in truth so that they can flourish in their relationship with Jesus!

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Every Church Discipled

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Donation Total: $100.00


School of Evangelism

The Province of Tete is ripe for harvest!  I have chosen to travel to Tete (7 hours north) for the entire month of March to train evangelists!  Last year we trained 14 evangelists and the results were staggering as we saw over 1,400 decisions for Christ, during the course of the school, through the preaching of the students.

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School of Evangelism

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Donation Total: $100.00
