The Great Harvest

Not Willing that Any Should Perish

At the core of our mission and calling is evangelism. In Matthew 28 Jesus commands his followers to go into all the world and make disciples. The first step in making long-term followers of Jesus Christ is evangelism where the unsaved have the opportunity to hear the gospel, repent, and become a child of God.  

 We are living in a time of the greatest harvest of souls that the world has ever seen. The harvest truly is ready! We desire to be on the front lines in this battle for souls. We believe that there is an urgency in our time and generation to see the gospel go to the masses and be led by the Holy Spirit in doing our part to literally see thousands upon thousands of people enter into eternal life. The Lord has captivated our hearts with the passion and vision for mass evangelism!  

The words of the late evangelist Reinhard Bonnke will forever resonate in our hearts, “Let us plunder Hell and populate Heaven!”

“Let us plunder Hell and populate Heaven!”

The words of the late evangelist Reinhard Bonnke.

The multitudes are made up of individuals!​

Even as our passion is for the salvation of the masses, we greatly embrace the fact that the masses are made of individuals. Therefore, we see evangelism as being very multifaceted, and that our love and desire for the masses must be built on our love and desire for each individual that is in front of us to know Jesus. Luke 16:10 says, “The one who is faithful in a very little thing is also faithful in much.”

A heart for the One

We desire to reach the lost through relational and one on one evangelism. This happens through every day life encounters and specific outreach efforts where we regularly put ourselves in opportunities to share the gospel.

Build a Team of Disciples

Next, we believe that it is important to build a team of disciples that are effective in presenting and preaching the gospel as well.  Through these disciples the work is multiplied greatly!

Mobilize the Church

Then comes the importance of mobilizing the church. Each member of the body of Christ needs to embrace a love for the lost and walk in the responsibility to share their faith.  For several years we have accomplished this as Eric has traveled from church to church training leaders and members for the work with evangelism. This is done through seminars, distribution of training materials, and hands on training.

Reach the Masses!

When the foundation is laid, we believe that mass evangelism can effectively reach a multitude of lost souls.  We have already seen the salvation of thousands throughout Mozambique through the use of the Jesus film and open air preaching. We see this as just a start for where God wants to use us! God has laid on our hearts vision for large scale crusades where we can unite, train, and activate all the churches in a community for the sole purpose of seeing the lost come to Jesus and a whole community transformed by the glory of God!

To All The World

How We Evangelize

Gospel Truck

Gospel truck evangelism utilizes a flatbed Truck and a simple portable sound system as a mobile method of evangelism. We are able to pull up to a town Center, market places, or busy street corners to quickly and easily present the gospel. Once on site, We take one hour to present the gospel, give opportunity for salvation, minister healing, and take testimonies.  

Jesus Film

A popular method of evangelism in Africa is to show the Jesus Film. We set up a portable sound system, screen, and projector and show the movie. Being that most people have no TV or form of electronic entertainment in their home, the Jesus Film is always the main attraction in whatever village we stop in. Hundreds of people will stop and stand for hours just to watch the film. After the film we preach the gospel and pray for the sick. Salvation and healings are always in abundance at the Jesus Film!

Three-Day School of Evangelism

This is a multi day intensive course where the focus is understanding biblical evangelism, living a life of evangelism, delivering a clear biblical gospel, practice in speaking the gospel, and hands on outreach throughout the neighborhoods to put into practice what they have learned.  Training is also given on how to establish a new believers group in the church and transition the new believers into being a disciple of Christ and active member of the local church.


Within the last year God has birthed vision within our ministry to begin to do larger events in the form of gospel crusades. These crusades will provide an opportunity for churches in a community to come together, be disciples, and help in the work of saving souls.  Through this collaborative effort we will do a four day crusade where each day people will have the opportunity for salvation and healing. Throughout the days of the crusade there will also be an emphasis on other foundational and transformative subjects of the gospel such as baptism in the Holy Spirit, and deliverance.  After the crusade there will be a follow up effort done to make sure connection is made between the new believers and the participating churches.