Join our Team

How you can partner with us

Below are ways you can get involve with our minstry.

Prayer Partner

When you become a prayer partner you are committing to bringing your petitions, intercession, and thankfulness before the Lord on a daily basis.

Financial Partner

As a monthly MINISTRY PARTNER, you immediately begin to play a key role in CHANGING LIVES. You are partnering with us to bring a life-changing opportunity.

Bring A Team

It is amazing to see what God does in the lives of our short-term visitors. Just two weeks can change 'one's perspective and outlook on the world

Work With Us

As a long-term missionary, you are committing to a minimum of 2 years serving along side us at AYG. The harvest is ready but the workers are few.

Intercede On Our Behalf

Become a Prayer Partner

Do you feel led to intercede on our behalf? When you become a prayer partner you are committing to bringing your petitions, intercession, and thankfulness before the Lord on a daily basis.  Faithfully interceding on our behalf, that the advancement of God’s kingdom and the salvation of many would-be evident in the works of our ministry, that each person we encounter has a transformative encounter with God through the power of His Holy Spirit.  As a prayer partner, you will periodically receive specific e-mails about prayer needs as they arise, some of these requests will be confidential.  

Requirements:  We ask that if you become a prayer partner that you hold a standard of excellence and refrain from speaking about or sharing private emails and the information they may contain.  We are to go before the Lord in our secret place and wait for Him to manifest our requests publicly.

Colossians 4:3-4

“And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should.”

Give Towards Our Mission

Become a Financial Partner

As a monthly MINISTRY PARTNER, you immediately begin to play a key role in CHANGING LIVES. You are partnering with AYG Ministries to bring an eternal, life-changing salvation opportunity to men and women every month, all year long.

AND you make yourself available to reap all the life-changing blessings that are promised to those who partner in advancing the Gospel, knowing that what you help to make happen for others, God will make happen for you. (Philippians 1:7, 4:17-19; Ephesians 6:8 and more)

When you give your partner gift automatically each month, you greatly benefit the Ministry and yourself in the following ways:

  • For you it is convenient, confidential, and secure. It also allows you to give consistently with the added peace of mind, knowing your support always arrives on time without delays.
  • For the Ministry.  Your monthly Partner gift helps the Ministry to plan, prepare and move forward more effectively.
Thank you for your heart to see the lost saved!
Volunteer for Short-Term Missions

Bring a Team

It is amazing to see what God does in the lives of our short-term visitors. Just two weeks can change ‘one’s perspective and outlook on the world. Perhaps you, your family, or a group of friends/church members are feeling led to spend time encouraging, teaching, and loving on our friends here in Mozambique.  Short-term trips are typically 10-14 days long but in rare cases up to 30.  If you have an interest in coming please email us at [email protected] and we will start you on the first steps to visiting us.

Important Note: Because we are serving in underdeveloped countries with unpredictable conditions, AYG Ministries cannot and does not guarantee your safety, health, or comfort. You will be trusting God as provider and protector.

Volunteer for Long-Term Missions

Work With Us

If you feel called to serve as a long-term missionary with AYG Ministries please contact us directly at [email protected] for more information and requirements.  All Missionaries serve as volunteers and are individually responsible for self-funding.  As a long-term missionary, you are committing to a minimum of 2 years serving along side us at AYG.  The harvest is ready but the workers are few.

“Then He said to them, “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Luke 10:2