Today we ministered from the large gospel truck in some of the small villages on the outskirts of the main city. Our second location happen to be in a schoolyard along the main highway. The headmaster gave permission for the kids to come out and listen to the gospel. Our main audience was children, but there were many other adults standing in the back and in their shops across the street. Nearly everyone receive salvation!

God blessed so many during the healing time. One healing really grabbed my heart.  A man by the name of Lacici came to talk to me as I was getting in the van to leave. At first I just assumed that he was crazy or drunk.  He was excitedly shaking his legs and smiling, but I had no idea what he was saying.

I finally found out that he had been healed but did not come to the stage to give testimony publicly. Eventually through an interpreter I heard his testimony.

Lacici was just walking by our outreach when he heard us praying for the sick. He stopped and receive prayer and the power of God went through him. He had been in an accident in 1986, and because of this accident suffered pain in his hip and down his leg for 35 years. This injury had limited his motion. But as he explained his healing to me he was shaking his legs, squatting down, and jumping up and down. Jesus had set him free from 35 years of pain and limited mobility!

All glory to God!