More Evangelists are trained in Mozambique!

The harvest is plentiful, and the workers are rising up!

I’ve just returned home from teaching a three-week evangelism training in a neighboring province. 12 Mozambican men from eight different districts were chosen to be trained and then sent back to their homes with the authority to train the other churches and multiply the harvest. The students were trained for one on one and gospel truck evangelism.

The last week of the training they preached in over 40 different gospel truck outreaches and lead 1063 people to a decision for Christ!



2023 Evangelism School Students

Amongst all the salvations and miracles, one testimony from one of the student evangelists, Domingo, stands out above the rest. Domingo testified that just a year earlier he had been an abusive drunk. He testified of not just beating his wife, but his female neighbor as well.

His wife a believer attended church and would pray for him. She told him one day that as she slept, she had a dream where she saw him standing in front of a multitude preaching. Domingo thought the dream was silly and that it would never happen, but the Lord was working on his heart.

He finally started going to church, received the Lord, and was set free from his addiction to alcohol!

Through the evangelism training, his wife’s prophetic dream of him preaching was fulfilled.

Domingo then testified that on the last day of outreach we were in his neighborhood, and he was called on to preach the gospel to the very people who knew him as a drunk. Many responded to the gospel.

When he was finished, he approached three older men to the side and ended up personally leading them to the Lord. He explained that these three men were friends that used to drink with him and sell him alcohol. When he had no money, he would beg alcohol off them.

Now, set free from his addiction, in love with Jesus, and equipped to share the gospel, he had the privilege to lead his old drinking buddies to our precious Savior!

Domingos' Neighborhood hearing the Gospel.

I am constantly taken back by the thought of how immeasurable the work of God is. 

Yes, for a week of outreach, we may be able to show a certain number of decisions for Christ. 

Then I think, what could the possible number of souls impacted for Christ be through the lives of even 12 young men in the bush towns of Mozambique who are truly equipped to preach the gospel?

It is truly immeasurable!

Over 1400 decisions for Christ in just 2 weeks!!

Our School of Evangelism graduates are well equipped and ready to preach!!

Fourteen students from 7 different districts came for a 3-week evangelism training school.  To say it was epic is an understatement.  

“Every student left transformed.  
Through what they have learned, entire provinces will be transformed “

The first week of school focused on laying a foundation of excellency, training the students to be well prepared, on time, put together, and spiritually strengthened.  During the first week of school, the students were taught salvation, this may seem weird for seasoned believers but this is a much-needed lesson here in Mozambique as most Christians think they are saved because they go to church.  

Through the teaching of the gospel, the students began to see that salvation comes solely through Jesus and Him crucified.  They were taught how to share the gospel in a simple way that tells why Jesus died for us.  We teach a basic 3 point way of sharing salvation and the students nailed it!!  After the foundations were laid, they were taught about healing and deliverance.  All an essential part of the grand gospel and what was paid for on the cross through Jesus’ death.

The second week of school was packed full of storytelling lessons, how to share the complete gospel without leaving holes, and how to provide an opportunity for people to ask for salvation, healing, testimonies, sound equipment, using a generator.  They were taught how to engage the crowd, navigate transitions and speak a clear, bold gospel message.

 Each student spent hours memorizing their stories, bible verses, healing and salvation prayers.  They worked on voice projections and animation while speaking.  All of this was new to them but incredibly necessary for good gospel truck outreach. 

   What a week!!  Teaching the students how to run a gospel campaign from start to finish is essential for them to learn so it can be replicated in their districts.

After class the students went door to door, evangelizing the local community, and sharing the gospel as they had learned.  Daily dozens were coming into the kingdom, people were getting healed and the students were building testimonies of their hard work and the power of the simple Gospel.

The third week of school was dedicated to gospel truck campaigns.  We loaded 3 trucks with sound equipment, follow-up discipleship materials for new believers, and divided the students into teams.  We Hit the streets, markets, and neighborhoods.  Eric, me, and a missionary Peter drove the trucks and oversaw the team but the entire campaign was Mozambican-led.

We did dozens of outreaches over the course of 5 days.  This isn’t an easy task, it is not like America where we can freely set up a stage and speak as we wish.  In Mozambique, we have to get permission from the top government down to set up in any location and teach.  Praise GOD we had favor and the gospel was preached.

After people receive the Gospel and they choose to make a decision for Christ, our team goes and hands out a form that new believers fill in, this form has their contact information on it, we count the forms and then leave them with the local pastor in the area to do follow up with them and invite them into a local church. Each new believer is also given a book that teaches the foundations of faith.  

Our goal is not to just see hands raised but also to help new believers receive discipleship and get involved with their local churches. 

Praise Jesus!!  We are excited for our students to return back to their districts and train up more evangelists!  

April 2022- Evangelism School Graduates