A Whole Village Was Saved

We had an amazing experience while we were on village out reach today. Village out reach consists of driving out in the rural communities and looking for a location to minister that has enough people to minister to or that you feel God has led you to.

At one of the locations we stopped at today it seemed to be more of a God prompting because there really wasn’t too many people around. We asked permission to minister in the neighborhood. The leader of the area granted our permission and to our surprise sent out a town crier! I didn’t even know town criers still existed. With the help of the town crier, we were soon up and running with over 100 people dancing and attentive to hear the word.

When the message of the gospel was proclaimed, literally, the entire village surrendered their lives to Jesus! Hallelujah! The word of God brought life and produced faith.  With the expectancy and faith that was birthed by the word, we then prayed for the sick. Immediately, as people tested their bodies after the prayer of faith, we could all see that many had been healed.

As we began to take testimonies, what captivated my attention was that person after person gave testimony of being set free from pain and sickness that had been in the body for years. Pain in backs, and legs, and entire body pains that had remained for five years, 10 years, 20 years, were dismantled and cast out in the matter of moments in the power of the name of Jesus. I believe that the work that the Lord accomplished in this small village in one hour will have eternal significance for each that came and received!

Healed of Leg Wound

What a joy to see hundreds of souls coming to Jesus every day! God is so faithful, and the gospel does not fail. Today the joy of the Lord was on display as we danced with ministered to many people on the outskirts of the city.

In a small rural market, I preached the gospel message.  59 people surrendered their lives to Jesus!  After the gospel message, the prayer for the sick was released. At first there was little response from the people indicating that anyone had been healed.  There was no one coming up to give testimony.  It was then that evangelist Lucas Roselli stepped down off of the truck and laid hands on a woman that had a wound on her leg for over two years. She walked with a cane and great difficulty. As he prayed and walked with her the power of God came upon her and healed her!  She put her cane inside and began to walk, and then she ran, and then she jumped in the presence of all the people!  This miracle birthed faith and excitement with the crowd and a second call of salvation given and more people came into the kingdom of God.

All praise to Jesus!    

The Gospel Just Works

The gospel just works! No matter where we go the word of the gospel transforms hearts. And the power of the blood of Jesus heals the sick and the brokenhearted.

My team and I ministered off of the large gospel truck today. It was difficult to find areas that were suitable for the size of truck and crowd. We had to resort to just parking in the street where we preached to the people in the street and on the other side of the street. Cars and motorbikes were constantly driving right through our altar area!

Through all the noise, distractions, and movement the message was proclaimed in power. Over 100 people committed their lives to Jesus Christ! I didn’t prayed for the sick. Again amid the chaos, the power of God was not stopped! Nearly all the people that raise their hands to receive healing indicated with waving hands after we prayed that Jesus had healed them!

One of the things that impacted me the most was during the time of testimony. We were celebrating with those that had been healed and as I was interviewing them in front of the crowd people were dragging up those that were manifesting demons.  They were taken to the side and minister to. One was a young lady walking home from school. She was Muslim. By the grace and power of God she was set free and receive Jesus as her Savior!  Oh, how good is our God!